Impactful Interactive DemosMaster the art of interactive demos

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We'll round out this module by focusing on a real use case demo with the organization Optimal Workshop. Optimal Workshop uses story lane to create its decision making demos. You can check out their interactive demo by following the link in this chapter but we'll also highlight some best practices now. Optimal Workshop provides user experience research tools that help organizations improve their websites.

In this demo they showcase their product tree jack, a website tree testing tool that evaluates and optimizes information architecture by analyzing how users navigate through a site. Optimal Workshop has set its interactive demo as an open sandbox for individuals to click through. The messaging at the start of the demo emphasizes that this is in part because of how easy the product is to use with the language take a look around in just a few clicks indicating ease of navigation. The style of demo makes it easier for multiple decision makers to use.

They could choose an area of focus from setting up the survey to recruiting participants to reviewing the results. Each of these areas could involve multiple teams using the product so optimal workshops open ended demo puts control back into the hands of the buyer. Interactive demo users are encouraged to engage in a simulated version of the product clicking through all the options at each stage highlighting the TreeJack products flexibility.

For example, when reviewing the messages and instructions section users can see an example of a welcome message for a survey and the ability to skip a welcome, instructions and participant agreement. In the results section optimal workshop provides dummy results to help prospects visualize the information they would receive for their surveys allowing for more authentic product exploration. A call to action start free trial sits below the demo regardless of what screen the user is reviewing as a gentle but constant reminder of the next step. This free flow sandbox style interactive demo means that optimal work shop can provide more value for a more varied set of customers and increase their reach. Now that you've seen what a great customer facing sandbox demo looks like, have a go at creating your own decision stage demo for your sales team or the customers they serve.

We'll round out this module by focusing on a real use case demo with the organization Optimal Workshop. Optimal Workshop uses story lane to create its decision making demos. You can check out their interactive demo by following the link in this chapter but we'll also highlight some best practices now. Optimal Workshop provides user experience research tools that help organizations improve their websites.

In this demo they showcase their product tree jack, a website tree testing tool that evaluates and optimizes information architecture by analyzing how users navigate through a site. Optimal Workshop has set its interactive demo as an open sandbox for individuals to click through. The messaging at the start of the demo emphasizes that this is in part because of how easy the product is to use with the language take a look around in just a few clicks indicating ease of navigation. The style of demo makes it easier for multiple decision makers to use.

They could choose an area of focus from setting up the survey to recruiting participants to reviewing the results. Each of these areas could involve multiple teams using the product so optimal workshops open ended demo puts control back into the hands of the buyer. Interactive demo users are encouraged to engage in a simulated version of the product clicking through all the options at each stage highlighting the TreeJack products flexibility.

For example, when reviewing the messages and instructions section users can see an example of a welcome message for a survey and the ability to skip a welcome, instructions and participant agreement. In the results section optimal workshop provides dummy results to help prospects visualize the information they would receive for their surveys allowing for more authentic product exploration. A call to action start free trial sits below the demo regardless of what screen the user is reviewing as a gentle but constant reminder of the next step. This free flow sandbox style interactive demo means that optimal work shop can provide more value for a more varied set of customers and increase their reach. Now that you've seen what a great customer facing sandbox demo looks like, have a go at creating your own decision stage demo for your sales team or the customers they serve.

We'll round out this module by focusing on a real use case demo with the organization Optimal Workshop. Optimal Workshop uses story lane to create its decision making demos. You can check out their interactive demo by following the link in this chapter but we'll also highlight some best practices now. Optimal Workshop provides user experience research tools that help organizations improve their websites.

In this demo they showcase their product tree jack, a website tree testing tool that evaluates and optimizes information architecture by analyzing how users navigate through a site. Optimal Workshop has set its interactive demo as an open sandbox for individuals to click through. The messaging at the start of the demo emphasizes that this is in part because of how easy the product is to use with the language take a look around in just a few clicks indicating ease of navigation. The style of demo makes it easier for multiple decision makers to use.

They could choose an area of focus from setting up the survey to recruiting participants to reviewing the results. Each of these areas could involve multiple teams using the product so optimal workshops open ended demo puts control back into the hands of the buyer. Interactive demo users are encouraged to engage in a simulated version of the product clicking through all the options at each stage highlighting the TreeJack products flexibility.

For example, when reviewing the messages and instructions section users can see an example of a welcome message for a survey and the ability to skip a welcome, instructions and participant agreement. In the results section optimal workshop provides dummy results to help prospects visualize the information they would receive for their surveys allowing for more authentic product exploration. A call to action start free trial sits below the demo regardless of what screen the user is reviewing as a gentle but constant reminder of the next step. This free flow sandbox style interactive demo means that optimal work shop can provide more value for a more varied set of customers and increase their reach. Now that you've seen what a great customer facing sandbox demo looks like, have a go at creating your own decision stage demo for your sales team or the customers they serve.

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